What is ARPDAU?

Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) is a KPI used to measure how well your monetization strategies are working on a daily basis. It tells you how much revenue your active users generate for your app or game every day. 

ARPDAU calculates revenue from multiple sources, including in-app purchases (IAPs), ads, and subscriptions

Why is ARPDAU important?

ARPDAU is a valuable metric for mobile app and game developers and one of the most commonly used, for a reason. By measuring ARPDAU, you will: 

  • Understand how your app performs on a daily basis
  • Analyze how events or promotions impact revenue
  • Get a top-level view of income generated on your app 
  • Have the data to help you make big decisions, improve performance, and measure results

How can I use ARPDAU?

This metric can be used in many different ways, one popular approach is around user acquisition strategies: 

  • Measure ARPDAU and how it fluctuates normally
  • During a user acquisition campaign, segment your new users by source
  • Use the data to uncover which networks, apps or ads perform best in your game 

How is ARPDAU calculated?

Revenue earned from your game in a given 24hr period/number of active users that day.

Check out our customer success stories to learn how developers are using MAX to increase ARPDAU.

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