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AppLovin Cares: Giving Mary the garden she deserves

Ailbhe Dervan
May 21, 2019
AppLovin Cares Garden Project

AppLovin fosters a culture of giving back to our local communities and formally established AppLovin Cares in 2018 to support initiatives its employees undertake. Since then, AppLovin Cares has helped The American Red Cross install smoke alarms in at-risk houses, raised money for the victims of the California wildfires, helped kids become confident writers, and much more.

In April, the AppLovin Cares team in Dublin partnered with Volunteer Ireland on behalf of St. Margarets in Donnybrook to help neurodiverse individuals. St. Margarets works with the families and friends of neurodiverse individuals by advocating for the services and support they need.

Our team was introduced to Mary and was put in charge of helping turn her wish of having a garden to sit in and enjoy the sun into a reality. The team at Volunteer Ireland helped design the garden and sourced all the tools necessary to get the job done.

AppLovin Cares garden project

Volunteer Ireland and the AppLovin Cares team met at Mary’s house on an uncharacteristically sunny Thursday morning and began transforming her garden. First on the agenda was removing all the weeds and deep tree roots, which was no easy task! With that out of the way, we laid fresh topsoil and began repainting the walls of the garden green on Mary’s request.

By early afternoon, the team had fully transformed the outer perimeter of the garden with new plants and a pebble border. The garden was finished by 5PM and the team stood back to take in the new scenery. Mary was delighted that she could now sit in the garden she’d dreamed of.

Despite sore arms, backs, and legs, the AppLovin Cares team thoroughly enjoyed helping Mary obtain the garden she deserved. We look forward to the next volunteer opportunity and can’t wait to provide more meaningful impact to our local communities!

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