
MAX Power Forward 2: Ensuring Positive User Experiences

Doug Borghese
Jan 10, 2023

Welcome back to the MAX Power Forward series, where we’re rounding up some of the exciting new MAX features shipped in 2022. In our last installment, AppLovin VP of Product Alice Liu took us through product enhancements that help our users drive more incremental revenue. In this episode, Daniel Tchernahovsky — AppLovin’s VP of Global Business Development — digs into the features helping developers address ad quality issues within their app and ensure more positive user experiences.

Here’s a summary of what Daniel is covering in the video above.

Ad Review

MAX’s Ad Review allows devs to review ads right from the MAX dashboard, and report any problematic ads that surface during that review process. Those reports can also be created right within the MAX UI and sent to their appropriate network.

Additionally, Ad Review allows developers to create rules that will automatically flag ads that might prove to be problematic from any networks that have been set up in MAX. This can also aid devs in monitoring any competitive ads that are running in their apps, making it more simple to generate competitive insight or remove those ads from their ad roster.

MAX User Journey

One of the most exciting features now available on MAX is User Journey. With User Journey, developers no longer have to sift through reams of logs to find problematic ads reported by users of their apps. Instead, they are able to address user-reported ads through a unique user ID created by the developer, and see a timeline of ads served to that user within the MAX UI.

User Journey provides all relevant and specific information about each users’ ad experience in reverse chronological order — including the ad provider and creative IDs — to accurately flag and report the offending ad. This keeps bad ratings from piling up and addresses user issues  much more quickly.

Creative Debugger

While User Journey enables developers to address user-specific ad complaints directly within the MAX dashboard, the Creative Debugger tool allows both developers and users to report problematic ad creatives from right within MAX-mediated apps.

Using a special gesture demonstrated in the video above, when an ad is on-screen, the user can tap the AppLovin logo, and that ad’s information will be pulled up along with a “report” button. Clicking the button will automatically generate a report that can then be emailed to both the app developer and the associated ad network. This is another time-saving brand safety feature that provides more control over ad experiences, both to the developer and their users.

HUMAN Partnership

Last year, MAX partnered with The Human Collective to strengthen ad quality, trustworthiness, and performance. This includes finding and eliminating any sources of invalid traffic, removing non-human ad views that falsely inflate metrics, and boost overall performance of ads by mitigating all of those different forms of fraud.

Ultimately, the Human Collective partnership enables AppLovin to help developers protect their app monetization from ad hijacking schemes and malicious traffic.

Brand safety across the board

With User Journey stopping bad ads in their tracks by allowing devs to find and flag them on user timelines, Creative Debugger allowing devs and app users to flag and report bad creatives from directly within MAX-mediated apps, Ad Review making ad reviews and reports from the MAX dashboard a simple process, and the Human Collective partnership reinforcing the fight against malicious and invalid ad traffic, AppLovin’s MAX is fighting the good fight against negative user experiences in mobile app advertising.

These updates — and those yet to come — are all part of making sure MAX powers forward with updates that serve both our developers and their enthusiastic audiences into the future.

Thanks for watching and reading this latest installment of MAX Power Forward. Stay tuned for more, and learn more about MAX today.

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